Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Abdominals,Strengthening and Stretching of the Spine with the "Pilates A...

The Pilates Arc will help you to do a Perfect Abdominal even if you are "Overweigh" thanks to his design with out making your Neck Hurt and will Strength and Stretch your Spine to correct your Posture/ El Arco de Pilates te ayudara a hacer una Perfecta Abdominal aun si estas muy "Obeso" gracias a su Diseno Anatomico sin hacerte doler tu Cuello ademas de Fortalecer y Estirar tu Espina Dorsal para corregir tu Postura.
This time I want to show you another great Pilates Method and Equipment the “Pilates Arc” to help you strengthen and Tone your Abdominals, Stretch and Strengthen your Spine giving you the Foundation of a Strong Core and Great Posture that I had mention to you now 5 years. Your Abs are the Center of your Body that will give support to your Spine and Strength to do Exercise with great Form and execution.This piece of Equipment is already design to put your Body and your Spine in position(thanks to the Curves of the piece) to perform Great Abs and Stretching at the same time for your body, you can’t Cheat and you will immediately will feel the Burn in your Abs, I love love this Equipment it’s just Amazing!!.
Esta vez quiero mostrarte otro Equipo para Efectuar el Metodo de Pilates con el aparato “Arco de Pilates” que te ayuda a Fortalecer y Tonificar tus Abs,Estirar y Fortalecer tu Espina para darte la Fundacion de un Fuerte Centro Abdominal y corregir tu Postura como ya en 5 anos les he explicado.
Tus Abs son el Centro de tu Cuerpo y teniendolas Fuertes ayudara a tener buen Soporte y Fuerza para cuando hagas Ejercicio y lo realizes con perfecta Ejecucion(gracias a sus curvas y diseno) para trabajo Abdominal y al mismo tiempo Estiramiento a tu Cuerpo,no puedes hacer TRAMPA usando el Arco tu inmediatamente sentiras el Ardor en tus Abs, yo estoy encantado de este pedazo de Equipo,es Extraordinario!!.
More about the Arc in the next Chapter.
To help you see and understand these movements please go to my FACEBOOK : TU ENTRENADOR OCTAVIO orhttp://octaviofitness.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much to Tony Wiseniewski owner of ULTRABODYFITNESS GYM.http://ultrabodyfitness.com/ for using his Beautiful gym for this pics.